Free Download Game Belajar Membaca Untuk Anak Tk


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Apps that help recognizing the letter and learning to read with more easy, enjoyable and fun. They will use it with happy, just like playing a game. Learning as fun as playing a game. There are also two educational games: memory game, and picture puzzle.
» each page using an attractive illustration images.
» the images is replaceable using own collection, such as personal photos/pictures. So, learning using this apps becoming more-more enjoyable.
» equipped with sounds, and it is also replaceable with own voices. Using own collection voice, this apps will be more fun, and make the learning process even faster,
» equipped with exercise modules.
» two education games: memory games and picture puzzle.
Replace or complete your existing learning application, such as Pintar Membaca, Belajar Membaca dan Menulis, or any other Belajar Membaca with this exciting apps.
This apps complements the series of our education apps, such as Belajar Mengenal Huruf dan Angka, Belajar Juz Amma, Doa Anak Muslim, and Cerita Anak Nusantara.
For detail instruction about replacing the images and voices, click this blog :
We welcome for any feedback, comments, and wishlist to make this apps better and better.
ACI, Aku Cinta Indonesia,
Aku Cinta Ibu-Bapak,
Annisa Cipta Informatika
Ayo Cerdaskan Indonesia
Thank you very much,
Aamiin ...
Free Download Game Belajar Membaca Untuk Anak Tk

Free Download Game Belajar Membaca Untuk Anak Tk Download

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