Wt Library Mac Update


I give you my peace.​—John 14:27.

‎JW Library is an official app produced by Jehovah's Witnesses. It includes multiple Bible translations, as well as books and brochures for Bible study. It’s hard to believe we’ve been enjoying the JW Library app since October 2013. I still think of it as a new app. Yet considering how many nice updates the app has received, we can appreciate how far it’s come. Along the way, JW Library gained the ability to import its own JWPUB formatted files.

On his final day as a human, Jesus was troubled. Soon he would suffer a cruel death at the hands of lawless men. But it was more than his impending death that was giving Jesus concern. He deeply loved his Father and wanted to please him. Jesus knew that if he proved faithful under the coming difficult test, he would contribute to the vindication of Jehovah’s name. Jesus also loved people, and he knew that our future prospects for everlasting life would depend on his finishing his earthly course successfully. Even though Jesus was under great stress, he was at peace. He had “the peace of God,” the calmness and tranquility that result from a person’s precious relationship with Jehovah. That peace put Jesus’ mind and heart at rest. (Phil. 4:6, 7) None of us will ever face the kind of pressure that Jesus had to endure, but all who follow Jesus will face trials. (Matt. 16:24, 25; John 15:20) And like Jesus, we will feel troubled at times. w19.04 8 ¶1-3

Wt Online Library

Wt Library Mac Update


Wt Library Mac UpdateUpdate
  • Seasonal Festivals With Meaning for Us”: (10 min.)

  • Spiritual Gems: (10 min.)

    • Le 22:21, 22​—Why must our loyalty and integrity to Jehovah be complete? (w19.02 3 ¶3)

    • What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, or something else?

  • Bible Reading: (4 min.) Le 23:9-25 (th study 5)

Wt Library Mac Update Free

  • Initial Call: (3 min.) Begin with the sample conversation. Offer a magazine to address a topic raised by the householder. (th study 13)

  • Return Visit: (4 min.) Begin with the sample conversation. Offer a publication from our Teaching Toolbox. (th study 9)

  • Talk: (5 min.) w07 7/15 26​—Theme: Who Harvested the Firstfruits of the Barley That Were Brought to the Sanctuary? (th study 13)

  • Annual Conventions​—Opportunities to Show Love”: (15 min.) Discussion. Play the video “Love Never Fails”! International Conventions.

  • Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) rr chap. 3 ¶11-20

  • Concluding Comments (3 min.)

  • Song 9and Prayer

Study Article 47: January 18-24, 2021


18 Will You Continue to Be Readjusted?