Word 2016 For Mac Change Footnotes From Roman Numerals


  1. Word 2016 For Mac Change Footnotes From Roman Numerals To English
I'm working with MS Word. When I use zotero to place a superscript next to the sentence I'm trying to reference for my end notes, it gives me a roman numeral. I need regular numbers. How can I change this? I don't know if it's a zotero setting or a Word setting (though I've checked everywhere and can't seem to find anything).
Has anyone run into this problem?

May 18, 2009 Takeaway: If you don't like the way your Word endnote numbers look, change them! Mary Ann Richardson explains that you can change the reference marks from Roman numerals to a different format by making one simple format change. By default, Word uses small Roman numerals for endnote reference marks.

Word 2016 for mac change footnotes from roman numeralsWord 2016 For Mac Change Footnotes From Roman Numerals
  1. Using Sections in Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013, 2016 and Word 2019 / Word 365. Word uses Section breaks to specify parts of a document that have different page orientation, columns, or Headers and footers. Section breaks allow the user to specify where the different formatting will begin and end.
  2. Word will then number the title page as 0 (invisibly) and change the footer on the second page to Page 1 of 19. Next Steps: Build your skills with these hand-picked resources Page X of Y gives.

Word 2016 For Mac Change Footnotes From Roman Numerals To English

  • Seems to be a Word issue, not connected with Zotero. Here's a howto:
    (I'm not a Word user, so no idea if the advice there will play as advertised. But it seems to be in the ballpark.)
  • Lizzybeth I am having the same problem. Can you tell me how you found the solution at techrepublic?

  • Change automatic reference marks for Word endnotes
    by Mary Ann Richardson | Mar 06, 2007 8:00:00 AM
    Takeaway: If you don't like the way your Word endnote numbers look, change them! Mary Ann Richardson explains that you can change the reference marks from Roman numerals to a different format by making one simple format change.
    By default, Word uses small Roman numerals for endnote reference marks. If you decide later that you do not want to use the default number format, you don't have to delete the endnote numbers and re-create them all again. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps.
    For example, to change the Roman numerals to Arabic numbers without having to insert new ones, follow these steps:
    Click anywhere in your document.
    Go to Insert | Reference | Footnotes.
    Click Endnotes and make the appropriate selection from the Endnotes drop-down list.
    Select 1, 2 ,3... from the Number Format drop-down list.
    Select Whole Document from the Apply Changes To drop-down list.
    Click Apply.
    By clicking Apply instead of Insert, you can change all the endnotes in the document. You can also follow this procedure to change the automatic reference marks set for footnotes. The only difference is in step 3; you will click Footnotes and make the appropriate selection from the Footnotes drop-down list.